by Beulah Presbyterian Church | Sep 29, 2023 | Presbyterian Women
Beulah/Monterey PW members met via Webex on Thursday, September 14, for Bible Study. Our Bible study for 2023-2024 is Sacred Encounters: The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke-Acts by Olive Mahabir. Norma Reynolds led September’s lesson, “Elizabeth’s Sacred...
by Beulah Presbyterian Church | Jan 5, 2023 | News
On Sunday, November 27, 2022, Beulah PC members and friends gathered after Worship Service and Sunday School to celebrate the beginning of Advent. The tree was brought out of storage and decorated with white lights, Chrismons, and topped...
by Beulah Presbyterian Church | Jan 4, 2023 | Presbyterian Women
The Beulah Monterey PW members are dedicated to helping their local congregation care for their church family, people in their community as well as around the world, and to caring for the church facilities and grounds. They are very committed to mission work, both...
by Beulah Presbyterian Church | Jan 3, 2023 | News
Sometime between 1974 and 1978, Mrs. Doris Gray introduced church members, Extension Homemakers, and other interested individuals from Highland County to the Christmas ornaments called Chrismons. Doris was the wife of Rev. G. Willard Gray, pastor for Beulah,...
by Beulah Presbyterian Church | Oct 30, 2022 | Uncategorized
Thanks to all who helped make Beulah’s Spaghetti Dinner and Bake-Produce-Craft Sale a success! The food was delicious, and the fellowship was fantastic! Funds raised will be used to help with church and mission projects.