On Sunday, November 27, 2022, Beulah PC members and friends gathered after Worship Service and Sunday School to celebrate the beginning of Advent. The tree was brought out of storage and decorated with white lights, Chrismons, and topped off with an angel. These decorations are symbols which help us share the story of Jesus and God’s love for us. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 The windows were decorated with candles and greenery and the advent wreath with its candles was placed near the pulpit. The greenery and light from the candles also remind us of God’s everlasting and steadfast love for us and that God sent a light into the world in the form of His Son to show us the way to God and the hope, peace, joy and love we can have when we open our hearts and minds to Chri
st. In John 8:12, we are reminded that Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
After decorating, we all sat down to share a delicious meal prepared by Richard Simmons with the help of other members and friends. Not only do these meals feed our bodies but remind us that Jesus is the bread of life. It is Jesus who feeds and nourishes our souls. As we share food and conversation with one another during these meals, God continues to bless us with joy, love, mercy, and grace so that as we go out into the world, we continue to share that love, joy, mercy and grace with our families, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and even strangers. We are also reminded that not everyone around us has enough to eat or may not have the strength to fix their own meal and so we are encouraged to share meals with those who are lonely, those who don’t have enough to eat, those who are grieving, and those facing health issues.
God did not intend for us to live in isolation, but in fellowship with other believers and to be identified as the body of Christ. The time we spend together in worship, Bible study, decorating, preparing and eating meals is an important part of our faith. It is a time when we help each other by learning more about one another, by caring for one another, by holding each other accountable, and by encouraging each other in our spiritual journey. It is then that we can and must go out into the world and let the light of Christ shine through us so all may know the love, joy, peace, and hope of God.
We were blessed in so many ways during our participation in the many events held at Beulah PC on the first day of Advent, November 27, 2022. Our advent lessons and the Christmas “Lessons & Carols” program were also an inspiration and encouragement. The beautiful deep red poinsettias that graced the front of the church remind us how truly deep God’s love for us really is! He gave us His one and only Son, Jesus, who was willing to shed his blood for us so that we might have eternal life! As we take our Christmas decorations down, let us prepare our hearts and minds for Lent, Easter, and Pentecost. All are welcome to join us for worship, Sunday school, Bible study, PW lessons & mission projects, clean-up days, fellowship meals, hymn sings, and so much more! Let’s look forward to 2023 together with our hearts and minds focused on Jesus Christ! Nehemiah 8:10 says, “The joy of the Lord is your strength.”