Outreach Projects

Part of our mission as a church is to give back to our community. Want to join us?

Word of Faith Food Pantry

We provide at least one volunteer to work at the Food Pantry each month. We also collect paper products, donations, and other stupplies to deliver to the Pantry on an on-going basis.

4 Cents A Meal

On the fourth Sunday of the month, we collect the “4 Cents A Meal” offering. Funds raised are designated for hunger projects within the Presbytery as well as local efforts like the “Hungry Kids Fund” at Highland County Public Schools.

PC(USA) Special Offerings

We participate in the four annual PC(USA) Special Offerings known as One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecost, Peace & Global Witness, and Christmas Joy, and we support PC(USA)’s efforts to help share Christ’s love locally and world-wide.

Stay Updated

To discover other ways you can help by prayer or service, click here to sign-up for our weekly newsletter, so you can stay informed about our church efforts, your church family, and our community. 

Partnering with Local Organizations to

Deliver Fresh Veggies to Seniors

Partnering with Local

Organizations to

Deliver Fresh

Veggies to Seniors

Monterey Presbyterian Church entered into a collaboration with VPAS and Allegheny Mountain Institute (AMI) to deliver fresh vegetables to senior adults in our community.

In August 2021, we delivered veggie bags to 45 individuals. AMI provided the vegetables, and MPC members Betty Gail Hiner and Tate Dunn (with some assistance from Kaleb and Daisy Moyers) bagged the produce and a few other treats including eco-friendly laundry detergent made by our youth in May. VPAS volunteers and VPAS coordinator Harmony Leonard delivered the bags.

We all felt the effort was successful, and we hope to do it again.