The BIG Event:  “The Big TRAINING Event” is sponsored by Shenandoah Presbytery.  This event will be held on Saturday, September 10, 2022, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Massanetta Springs Conference Center, Harrisonburg, VA.  The cost is $20.00 and includes worship, workshops and lunch.  Register online at…

  • Workshops Include:
    • Clerk of Session Training
    • Treasurers’ Training
    • Serving as a Commissioned Ruling Elder
    • PW 2022-2023 Horizon’s Bible Study:  Celebrating Sabbath
    • Faithful Decisions in Difficult Times
    • Mission and Evangelism– best practices for today (Led by Cindy Corell, PC(USA) Mission Co-Worker to Haiti