Two Locations, One Church Family.
Two Locations,
One Church Family.

One Great Experience
Worship is casual and includes a blend of traditional and contemporary with old hymns, new hymns, Appalachian Gospel, country, bluegrass, and folk.

Two Locations
Beulah: 8740 Mill Gap Rd., Monterey, VA
Monterey: 50 Spruce St., Monterey, VA
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Two Worship Services
On Sunday mornings, in-person worship at Beulah begins at 9:30 am and Monterey begins at 11:15 am. Streaming worship is live at 9:30 am.

Two Locations
Beulah: 8740 Mill Gap Rd., Monterey, VA Monterey: 50 Spruce St., Monterey, VA

One Great Experience
Worship is casual and includes a blend of traditional and contemporary with old hymns, new hymns, Appalachian Gospel, country, bluegrass, and folk.